Dog behavior can be puzzling

Both new and experienced dog owners will experience it. Dogs do not operate with the same motivations as people, so their actions don’t always make sense to us.

Dogs are smart. They can, and usually do, think circles around their owners, and they can do it because most owners have never learned how to think like a dog or more specifically, owners have not learned ‘how dogs think‘.

The limit of our dog’s learning ability is the meaning of the sounds of certain words. Dogs are quick to learn, and respond to, the sounds that are important to them. Skilled dog trainers understand that as well as using command words to dictate dog’s actions, repetition of any action enables the dog to use his mental imagery to ‘see’ and understand what his owners want.

Your dog training Houston expert say’s –

Let me explain dog obedience

Almost every one of us has and uses mental imagery on a daily basis. This can apply to sounds and smells, as well. I ask my clients what their favorite meal their mom made them as a kid was. I watch their body language; eyes staring ahead to a far off place and a little smile will hit their lips with the answer of “chicken fried chicken with gravy!” I ask them if they can see it or smell it, the answer is always both.

Watch your dog’s emotional reaction

Next time you reach for and rustle the doggie treats bag. Pup already has a mental image of the treat in his mind; his behavior will change from normal, hoping that a certain action from him causes you to treat him. If jumping up on you enable’s him to get the treat, that’s precisely the behavior that he will replicate to be rewarded with the treat.

Change that action from the pup command sit

Then when your pup complies, give him the treat. Changing your pup’s actions (or behaviors) is as simple as changing how you train the dog to achieve what he wants. Consider a dog that runs to the door every time the doorbell rings.

If we over excitedly shout “daddy’s home pookie, go see daddy!”, and dad comes in and immediately starts petting and roughhousing with pup that’s precisely the behavior he learns. When the doorbell rings, pookie has learned that its playtime and that his excited behavior makes his ‘pack’ happy, he can hear it in the tone of your voice.

Why should your pup being happy to see you?

That;s a concern for any of us in regards to dog training right? Well, only the fact that you have taught or trained your pup every time the doorbell rings is playtime! Now question yourself as to why your pup always barks and bounces off the door every time the doorbell rings!

It now makes sense that your pup can also worry in mental images. When you are late getting home, and run into the house and madly apologize while petting pup like crazy, they can be taught to miss us to the point of separation anxiety, because we spoil them with attention and petting every time they demand it.

They recall images of us and our activities, such as fluffing the pillows on the sofa, picking up the dog leash, stacking our magazines on the coffee table and putting on shoes and coat just before we leave. As a result of this, they often engage in activities when left alone that involve them with these images, and actually incorporate these objects into their behavior.

Pillows are knocked off the couch onto the floor, magazines are chewed, shoes and clothing are brought out of the closet and left at the door probably chewed on. Because they didn’t have us physically there, they try to interact with things that symbolize us from images taken from their memory.

Dog trainers use this information for the benefit of dog training. The best dog trainers understand how dogs think and how they develop behavioral problems. It makes curing problems much easier when the trainer fully understands how the issue arose in the first place. Since most owners do not understand how dogs think, this is where the seeds of most behavior problems are sown.